Monday, August 3, 2009

Today we had to put down our sweet Shae. We found out two weeks ago that she had cancer and she was becoming so weak and uncomfortable we decided it was the right thing to do. We all seriously loved this little girl and were so sad to see her go. But, as with everything, something good is going to come of it. We had a little fenced off area for the dog in our backyard and my mom decided she wants to start an organic garden there. We all agreed that it is a great idea and would be something fun for my mom to fuss over!
On another note, she went in for more acupuncture today. I'm not sure that she really feels any better but she's also not feeling any worse, so that's at least something. She's shooting for at least one outing a day so we're going to hit up the grocery store pretty soon and back to the couch she'll go.
Over the weekend she developed sores in her mouth from the chemo. She said it was the worst thing ever, and she's a pretty tough lady so it must have been awful. Her doctor gave her a prescription mouth wash and it's thankfully starting to get a little better.


  1. What a pretty dog. We are so sorry you had to put Shae down. It's such a difficult thing to do. You guys have had way too much to deal with these past months.
    The garden will be a beautiful project.

  2. Hi Debbie,
    Hope today is a good day! And you had a nice "outing". So sad about Shae...she was a good girl and I'm sorry that you lost her at this's never easy to say goodbye to a beloved pet.
    You know you are in my thoughts and prayers every day and I am so grateful to the girls for this blog to keep in're in good hands! Stay strong and feel the positive energy and love coming your way from your many friends.
    Missing you...Love, Lisa
