Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another treatment down, only 4 more (hopefully) to go! It left her feeling pretty lethargic and nauseous last week and she left the bed only to move to the sofa. She has become quite familiar with just about every show on TV. She'll meet with the doctor next week to look at her most recent PET scan and talk about whether or not the chemo is working.

Here is a picture of her in front of the organic garden, a work in progress, wearing the cute scarf my friends gave her!

By Sunday she had a little more pep in her step and she had her first big outing last night! Ashley and I took her to dinner and to see Legally Blonde the Musical for her birthday (her 3rd treatment just happens to fall on her real birthday). We had a great time and the show was so much fun! Ash took off work today and the three of us are getting to spend some time together. I'll update next week after her appointment!

Here is a picture of her with her adorable wig! It gave her a headache, but she sure looked cute!


  1. Debbie you look gorgeous! I am so glad that you guys had a great time last night and were able to celebrate your birthday. Everyone in Dallas sends their love!


  2. Your mom looks gorgeous! It takes a hot woman to be able to rock a scarf, that's for sure! Hope legally blonde was a nice outing for you ladies! Happy early birthday Debbie! Keep smiling!!!

    Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers! Lots of Love! EV

  3. Sounds like you had a great "girls night out". Glad to hear it...Debbie, you look beautiful! Have a fun day together...Always in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Debbie,
    That is the cutest darn wig I have ever seen.

  5. Hi, Debbie! You look great in the photos. We're thinking of you. Glad you had a nice time with Ashley and Lauren. Happy Birthday! Think of a really fabulous way to celebrate your birthday next year, with no chemo! Love, Linda & Alex

  6. Happy Birthday Debbie! Praying for you every day. Happy to see that you are looking so great and able to get out a bit with your girls. Sherrie
