Saturday, August 8, 2009

We had such a great time at Annie and Curtis Clave's wedding in Del Mar and my mom looks so great that I thought I'd share a picture!


  1. You look Mah-vAH-lous , Debbie !
    Darwood, too ~ :+)

  2. Beautiful
    We were so happy to see you.

  3. Great photo...Thanks for sharing Lauren.
    They both look great!and what a beautiful day to spend with friends:)

  4. Debbie thank you so much for attending Annie and Curtis' wedding. It meant so much to all of us. You looked great!! The pictures you forwarded to me were the very first I received. What wonderful shots you got!! It was a great day for the Davis family and we were so glad the Huddleston family were there to share it with us!! Lauren you are such a wonderful friend to Annie and I had such fun sharing the day with all of you girls. Keep up the rapping, I think you may have found your calling!!!

  5. You look wonderful (as always)! That's great that you made it to the wedding since we all know that weddings are your favorite!!!!
