Monday, August 31, 2009

Great News!!

My mom just came back from the doctor with some pretty wonderful news. Her Pet scan came back normal so her doctor is recommending only 2 more treatments- which will put her at a total of 4 instead of the originally planned 6!! She still has a lot of back pain and the doctor said that's because the lymphoma leaves a hole in the vertebrae. So at some point she may have to have some sort of surgery to strengthen the bone.
She meets with a doctor from UCSD tomorrow to discuss a possible stem cell transplant because it reduces the chances of the large diffused B-cell lymphoma from coming back in the future. The downside is, it doesn't prevent the low-grade lymphoma she had before from coming back.


  1. Yay!!! So exciting! Hope the good news continues!

  2. Great News!!!!! That's so wonderful. Sending all of you my very best!

  3. That is the best news I've heard! You all looked gorgeous the other night.

  4. You go girl...cancer free!!! That is so awesome!!! I knew you were one strong lady. We Love you.

  5. Congrats Huddleston Family! That's wonderful news!

  6. This is Awesome news! I'm so happy for you! The pictures of you are adorable!

  7. Great news for sure!! I am so happy for you and your family. Keep up the fight!

  8. Great News! We are breathing a collective sigh of relief! Keep up the good work my friend! I know it's not been an easy journey, but this news brings a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel! Wooo Hooo!

  9. I will keep praying that things will keep getting better and better! I love the positive attitude that you guys have1 That is the secret!
