Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hi everyone,
It's Debbie- I figured I'd be out of commission next week (it's my second round of chemo) so I may as well update you all this time. I have had a really great week! I found out on Monday that my bone marrow is clear and my blood was where it needed to be to be ready for next week, so that's left me very hopeful and positive. I love my doctor and he is always so reassuring.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting with Rob Wergin, Master Healer and Spiritual Teacher. His healing technique left me feeling lighter and relaxed. He provided me with a positive mantra to help put my mind where it needs to be to go through this whole healing process. As you can see, I'm open to a range of methods dealing with both my pain and my overall attitude.
My wonderful trainer Erin has been helping me keep up my strength- I out-crunched Lauren yesterday :)- and she has also provided me with gallons of Kangen water.
I've started to shed a lot and the fabulous Heidi and Amber have been working on my wig to get the right cut and color for me. I am so thankful to every one's generosity and support. It has meant so much not only to me but to my family as well.
We are at the beach house til the weekend and I'm enjoying this little vacation while I am feeling well. Lauren will update you next week. My chemo days are Monday and Tuesday and the rest of the week will be spent recovering.
Thanks again and lots of love from the entire Huddleston family!


  1. You go girl! So glad you are having a good week at the beach. I will be thinking about you next week.

  2. Out-crunched Lauren? Way to go Debbie! Keep up the good work, OK? Just wanted you to know we are thinking about you. Hope you had a great visit with Damian and Ashley last week-end. Sending some smiles your way :) :) :) :) :)

    Love ya, (Damian's) Aunt Nancy

  3. Yay for feeling good AND a weekend at the beach house. :)

  4. You're doing awesome, Debbie. We will send you as much positive energy as possible all next week. Have Lauren let us know if you all need anything.
    the Sacks

  5. Glad to hear the positive update ! Perfect weather finally as well to help keep those positive vibes flowing ~
    Love Don & Linda

  6. The Davis family will be sending good thoughts your way next week! Debbie your positive attitude will serve you well during your treatments! Lauren please let us know if we can do anything to help. Your family are always in our thoughts and prayers.

  7. Hi Deb, Good to hear that you are doing so well and you were strong enough to kick Lauren's butt!Sorry Lauren!!! :) you know you loved it!That kind of strength and positive thinking will get you through the healing process. I know it's not easy and this week seems daunting, but you have all of us rooting for you and we love you. Keep the positive mantra going.
    Love you, Lisa

  8. Deb - I am praying that your great strength helps you to get the most healing out of the Mon and Tues treatments .Your Dr sounds wonderful and you are doing such great things to keep your mind and body working together.

  9. Debbie -
    Love all the positive things you are doing - you are covering all the bases. Hope this week's treatment does its job and that the side effects are minimal...
    Love you
