Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today my mom went through the second round of chemo and we kept ourselves quite entertained during the 5 hour process. We read, watched 2 movies, and one of the nurses got engaged so my mom is of course trying to plan her wedding :)!
There's really not much to report- she's sleeping now and when I ask her how she's feeling she just says "fuzzy" and "weird." She was already sick around this time last cycle so it seems to me that she is handling it better this time around.
Her hair is really falling out so I just bought scissors to cut it even shorter--she isn't on board with a buzz cut so we are just going for a very VERY short pixie. She has some cute headgear, though. Damian's kind grandmother gave her lots of little hats and scarves and my sweet friends from SMU gave her an ADORABLE and colorful scarf. It's just been so amazing for us to see how generous everyone has been. I think we've eaten better the past month than we ever have before!!!
On another note, my dad started working on the organic garden so when she starts feeling better she'll start planting!
I'll let you know if anything changes, but she seems to be doing well so far.


  1. Hi Lauren! I know your mom doesn't know me, but I just wanted all of you to know that I'm thinking about you and wishing you the best. And Lauren, good job on setting this up.
    Laura Brubaker

  2. Lauren- I'm so proud of you and your family. You've been such a pillar of strength! I love you and pray for you guys every day!
    Ashley Romo

  3. Hi, Debbie. You are in our prayers, especially the last two days. May the chemo work its magic, with minimal problems. It sounds like you are doing lots of positive things to help you as you go through treatment. Good for you! You have a strong foundation, a great family, and lots of people who care about you. I hope you can feel all the love being sent your way! Take care. Linda and Alex
    P.S. Have fun with the hats!

  4. Ooh - pixie on Debbie sounds cute! Probably a cut she had once when she was 5 or 6, I know I had one....hope the week continues to go well and not as bad as last round.

  5. your picture at annie's wedding is so beautiful.
    you are showing all around you how this process is done with elegance, grace, beauty and joy.
    i am still standing with you in prayer.
    danielle leopold
