Thursday, July 30, 2009

One of the many reasons we love my mom's cancer center is that they offer some crazy Eastern medicine treatments to supplement the chemo. Yesterday when she was there a (rather odd) little lady approached her to ask if she wanted to find out about her body's imbalance. After hooking her up to some machine and forcing Ashley and I to come look at the "alien eyes watching us," she discovered she was low on electrolytes. A little lemon lime gatorade did the trick and she was back in business. Today she had accupuncture done for the 2nd time. We've been worried because she hasn't wanted to eat since Tuesday. There's never been a time in my entire life when my mom has refused a snack or a meal, so this concerned us. After she finished the accupuncture she craved a cheeseburger! She settled for a turkey sandwich, but it was a small victory for all! On the Western medicine front, she got a new pill for nausea and is hoping that will help with the acid in her stomach. She went to Home Depot to pick up some items for my dad to plant so the fact that she is eating and bossing my dad around makes me feel like things could slowly be getting back to normal! So that's about all for now! Thanks for the calls, food, messages, and prayers!


  1. lauren,
    thank you for your beautiful informative updates. i love knowing how to pray more specifically.
    you are showing your children how a beautiful woman of grace goes thru this journey. i stand behind you, supporting you, thru the curves and valley's of your treatment.

  2. Thanks for the updates Lauren, we're with aunt Debbie. You're in our prays and we support you all the way.
    Love Nicole and Dean

  3. I just read all of the comments from the last couple of days to my mom and she feels so lucky to have such support. Thank you to everyone for all of your love and prayers.

    Some people have been wondering how to post a comment so here you go:

    1. Type your message in the comment section.
    2. Select a profile from below. If you don't already have one of the accounts listed below you can easily set one up in no time. I like google so I selected "Google Account."
    3. Press Post Comment
    4. It will take you to the google sign in page and towards the bottom it gives you the option to create an account.
    5. All you need to do is come up with a password and insert your email address and you're done!

    Hope this helps!

  4. Love, love, love this post...I have always enjoyed Debbie's appetite! Best person in the world to go out to lunch stop hamburger!

  5. Hi Debbie,
    Sounds like you are having way too much fun over at your Cancer Center! I'm coming by tomorrow to pick up some flyers, and I'm also going to give one to Dr. Sinclair! He needs to get with the program.
    Glad to hear your girls are taking such good care of you. They can be a big help. Ali chauffeured me around town today and kept me out of trouble.
    Looking forward to some Indian food! Keep up your strength, and know that I'm sending all of my positive energy your way:)

  6. Hey Deb !

    Glad to hear they found the RIGHT " cocktail' for you FINALLY !...and u are getting some strength back !
    Lots of it actually !!...WOW ...Home Depot, eh ? That'll keep D busy ! So, 'bout an In 'n Out next time after treatment ?...My treat ~
    Love Linda

  7. Glad to hear that the first week ended with Debbie feeling more like herself! Thanks for all the updates.

    All my love,

  8. Hi Debbie,
    Wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I'm glad to hear you've made it through your first week of treatments. Hopefully there will be more good days than bad and soon you'll be ready to join us at the gym! Love the blog! It was so thoughtful of your daughter to start one.

  9. Hope you're feeling better today. I'll be home all this week so please come by. See you soon.

  10. Love you and pray for you daily, I promise to make you the chicken tortilla soup.

  11. Lauren:
    Thank you for the updates. You are doing a great job with this blog!
    The Cerrone's are saying lots of prayers for your mom and your family.
    We love you!
