Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well, it is a go for today! Mom calls the hospital this morning and they will tell her what time to check in--she is SO ready! Many people have asked about visiting, but she isn't sure how she is going to be feeling. Her recommendation is to call her cell first, 760-310-3497, and she will let you know if she is up for a visit. Also, she is not allowed flowers or plants, or for that matter, food--so if you are going to visit, just bring yourself!!
If you think you have been exposed to any illnesses, please stay away, and she can't be around any "live viruses", such as anyone who has recently had the H1N1 nasal vaccine. Yes, there are all kinds of rules...these are just a few.
I will keep you posted after she gets settled.


  1. Thinking about you today Deb - hope you are comfortable in the hospital.I'm sure you are glad to get this thing going. We send lots of good vibes and prayers for the greatest results. You have the best attitude.God is all around you.Love Katie and Mike

  2. Thank you, Lauren.
    We appreciate the updates and look forward to her getting this over with.
    Love you all.
    Daryl and Greg

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yahoo! We will be cheering from down under...your updates are so appreciated,Lauren!

    Love to all of you,
    Sherrie and John
