Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My mom is supposed to check in to the hospital tomorrow for the stem cell transplant, but that has still yet to be confirmed. She went to the doctor today and her blood count was low, so he was trying to decide whether or not she would begin the process tomorrow.
Whether she starts tomorrow or next week, she is going into it extremely upbeat. Before her first chemo treatment my adorable dad went to the beach and found a rock. He painted it green and printed out the words "attitude is everything" and taped it to it. It was a sweet gesture and I think her attitude really has been incredible despite the many obstacles that have been thrown her way. I am continually amazed by her outlook and know that she will continue to be the perfect patient.
She went through her list of things she can't eat, can't have in the house, and can't do. Some of these include:
  • Can't eat deli meats or cheeses
  • Can't have flowers in the house
  • Can't ever swim in a public pool

The list is very long, so if you want to ever cook my parents anything, email me and I will forward the list on to you (lahuddleston@gmail.com).

I will post whenever I have news!

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