Monday, October 5, 2009

There's not much to update you all on, but my mom had her treatment last week. It's interesting how it effects her differently every cycle, and she seemed to feel a little worse this time around. She's been busy going to acupuncture and on Thursday we get to go to a taping of Ellen (thank you, Joleen!)


  1. Soooo jealous you are going to Ellen!!!! I want details, details, details!!!! Thinking of you Huddlestons as always and sending happy, healing thoughts and prayers your way!

  2. Debbie, So good to see a new update. I have been thinking about you all a lot.

    The wedding was great and I will let you know when there are pictures on line to see. Right now there are only facebook ones.

    Have fun at Ellen! Diane

  3. Debbie and Lauren it was so great to see you both last week! Debbie, Hope you are feeling better with each fun to see Ellen...enjoy!
