Sunday, February 6, 2011

The only picture I have of our celebration...

It's's from my phone...but you get the idea. We toasted, we celebrated, we drank champagne (thanks, Nancy).

Stem Cell Transplant: 1 year later

This is now my 3rd time writing this post...the past two have been mysteriously deleted. The first try was good, the second was better, and now I will just make this short and sweet.

February 3rd was my mom's stem cell Birthday! We are all happy that horrible (albeit important) procedure is in the past, as is the very trying year that was 2010. It's no secret that it wasn't her best year yet. She started it with a stem cell transplant, took until October to fully recover, and ended it with a broken wrist thanks to a Christmas day stroll in Mammoth. Thankfully, when you have a year like that there's really no where to go but up!

Ashley, Damian, and I decided to plan a surprise getaway to kickoff "year 2". We had the fancy venue (St. Regis Monarch Beach), we had the eager partygoers (us, of course), and we had a hip celebratory dinner planned (Watermarc in Laguna Beach). Unfortunately, life had other plans. We awoke to a text on Saturday morning (day of our departure) from my mom saying that she had been at the hospital with my dad since 3 a.m. To make a long story short, my dad had passed out en route to the bathroom, my mom spooked and called 911, and they spent the morning/afternoon/evening in Intensive Care. He is completely fine, but we couldn't help but see the irony in the fact that our weekend of celebrating good health and NOT being in the hospital had led us back to that very place. Though it didn't go as planned, we were still able to honor the unstoppable Deb with a dinner in downtown Encinitas.

Happy Birthday, Mom! You make us wonder sometimes if you are actually Wonder Woman. When anyone else would have hibernated for the better part of a year, you owned it with more sparkle and positivity than we knew was possible for one person to have. You are incredible, an inspiration, and we're so thankful for all you do. Now that this year is over I think it's time to put the blog to bed. Hopefully we'll never have another reason to update the world wide web on the state of your health!