Monday, February 22, 2010


We just got back from the nurse practitioner and she was really happy with how my mom is doing, so that was great to hear. Though her white blood cell count is still low, she said that it is the last thing to go up. She knows that her body is healing, though, because her platelet count was 50 last week and 178 this week! Yeah!
She still has a horrible taste in her mouth that is making eating and drinking really unappealing and the nurse reassured her that it would only be like that for 2 months (I think my mom was hoping it would be sooner than that!)
She has an appointment with her doctor next week because it will already be 1 month post transplant!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mom is home now! My dad had a nose surgery last week, so the two of them are healing together at home feeling like a couple of old people. She's still not feeling great or eating much, but she's out of the hospital and that was the most important thing for her! She's hoping she's back at it by March 7.

P.S. I started a facebook account for her, which she doesn't really know how to use. If you write on her wall or friend request her, don't be surprised if you don't hear back.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Well, I guess Day 10 is the winning day. Mom said when she woke up at 3am she knew she felt better. No, not perfect, no not wonderful, just better. Her blood counts are starting to go up, so hopefully there will be nothing but improvement from here on out. Dad and I were here bright and early and at least she can talk now. Ashley is on her way so we will probably wait and see what the Drs. say about her going home.

The funny thing is that throughout this whole process they had her so concerned about the cleanliness of our home, bacteria, bacteria...after being here she feels that on our darkest dirtiest day home(I'm probably there), it is still 10 times cleaner than the hospital. Heck, just walk around wearing blue gloves and a mask.

For right now, still no visitors, but I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Last night my mom got a blood transfusion. I wasn't able to get much information out of her this morning when we spoke, but she said it was because her platelets were low. My dad was hopefully going to talk to her doctors today to get some more information. She is on a lot of pain killers, so our conversations are all very limited.
Apparently everything that has been happening to her and the way she has been feeling is totally normal, so that's a relief. Her body is just completley resetting itself (from what I understand), so it takes its toll on her.
Hopefully we will find out more!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Quick Update...

(It's Lauren again).
It was a rough weekend. She wasn't welcoming visitors (which also included us) and was very sick. She handled chemo so well that I wasn't prepared to see her so completely miserable, but we are all hoping she starts to turn the corner soon.
She is on day 4 of the transplant and will HOPEFULLY get out on day 21. Keep sending good thoughts her way- she needs them!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It's My Birthday...!!!

Happy Birthday to Me!! Got my new and improved stem cells today and have just been laying here imagining them madly reproducing into very healthy cells!! Now, only 2 more weeks in this lovely "hotel room" before I get my release. Oh well, it is worth it.
Thank you for all the good thoughts you've been sending my way.