(This is the most recent picture of her at the Bender Wedding)
So, last month I said my mom didn't have to undergo the final two treatments, which actually turned out to be untrue. Don't blame me, though. It's been very difficult to get both of her doctors on the same page about this (especially when one is vacationing in Italy). This week she found out that before she starts the stem cell transplant process she has to finish out her two rounds of chemo. She had the first one yesterday and it looks like the final one will be the week of Christmas. Needless to say, we will be having a very mellow holiday season this year. Luckily, Ashley and Damian are hosting Thanksgiving so she wont have to worry about anything other than whether or not Ashley has enough Fall decorations up :)
During the time in between treatments they will harvest her stem cells and then the transplant will take place in January. I say this all very loosely because it seems to change daily. Her schedule has been one big question mark lately and luckily she's become quite flexible and just takes it as it comes.
She has been studying the book that prepares her for the stem cell transplant and is really dreading that month she's going to have to spend in the hospital, so if anyone knows of some good hobbies to keep her hands busy she'd appreciate them! I personally think smocking baby clothes or knitting baby blankets are her best bets (which will then maybe pressure Ash and Damian to have a baby--just kidding, guys!)
I'll keep you all updated as we find more out (assumming that you guys haven't given up on me--I know I haven't been an active blogger lately).